
Property REDY® Index October 2021

The REDY Index leverages CRC Group’s collection of actionable data – the wholesale industry’s largest. It provides critical pricing analysis monthly, giving you a snapshot of the marketplace. The REDY Index generates instant intelligence on pricing trends by industry or coverage, enabling our retail partners to set accurate data- driven expectations with their clients. Removing the guesswork empowers CRC team members to negotiate competitively, consistently producing better outcomes, better deliverables, and better results.



11.1% 11.1% 10.3% 12.0% 12.2% 240 210 10.5% 180 150 120 90 60 30 Oct 21 0  8.9% 8% Apr 21 9.4% 8% Jul 21 8.8% 8.4%              14%          37% 13% 15% 15%    40% 37% 33% 38%            37% 36% 33% 44% 37%  Jan 21 Feb 21 Mar 21 May 21 Jun 21 Aug 21 10% to 19% 10% to 19% Sep 21     Average YoY Renewal Change Average YOY Renewal Change No Increase 1% to 9% No Increase 1% to 9% 20%+ 20%+


The REDY Index shows pricing trends based on average property renewal premium on a broad range of accounts – in all 50 states, with varying loss histories, and a variety of perils and occupancies. Your results may differ substantially from the average shown above depending on these attributes and a particular account’s risk profile. Results are limited to brokerage accounts that renewed in the same month as the prior year with the same total account limits. To remove outliers, the top and bottom 1% of accounts by YoY % change have been removed, as well as the top and bottom 1% of accounts by rate online (Premium/ Limit*100). The REDY Index is intended for educational purposes only.


  • Natural Catastrophe exposed placements, including, Tier 1 Wind, Wildfire and Severe Convective Storm risks remain in focus for many carriers. Upcoming model changes will further impact their views. Natural Catastrophe focused MGA/MGU’s will be looking to manage this volatility in order to stabilize their capital base.
  • Excess Placements are evolving due to inflationary concerns around labor and supply shortages.
  • Difficult classes where carriers continue to pursue underwriting discipline include Heavy Manufacturing, Wood Products, Recycling, Food Processing, Frame Habitational, and any risk with sub-par loss experience.