After largely stalling for nearly two years due to the Covid pandemic, the pace of claims litigation is beginning to pick
up. At the same time, the number of new claims is likely to rise as businesses begin to rebound. Claims administrators, however, face a changed claims landscape. Across the United States, courts are moving toward more creative operations, although at varying speeds and with different goals. For instance, in New York State, the court appearances are still virtual and will likely remain that way; California courts are resuming in-person appearances and trials at mid-year. But every jurisdiction can be different, with varying restrictions on access. Some local courts prefer to remain virtual, and some opt for a hybrid approach. This necessitates a highly flexible approach to claims administration going forward with the ability to adapt to all scenarios. Nimble and proactive claims administrators that have shown they can perform well in all-virtual, hybrid, and traditional in-person settings will be best placed to handle this new normal.
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